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C+ 高效舒敏修護霜5g試用裝


- 榮獲澳洲政府頒發TGA醫療級認證 

- 採用臨床實證天然成分調配

- 主要成分: 麥蘆卡蜂蜜、金盞花、雷公根、荷荷巴油 

- 發揮4大功效: 保濕、止痕、抗菌、抗炎

登記免費領取C+ 高效舒敏修護霜5g試用裝

請提供正確地址以作郵寄安排 Please provide correct address for mailing arrangement

Your email address will be safely managed according to our Privacy Policy.

條款及細則 Terms & Conditions:

1.只適用於Grahams Natural香港。2. 試用裝及購物優惠券將會以平郵方式寄出,請提供正確地址以安排寄出,如遇上意外寄失或因提供錯誤地址而無法寄送等情況,將不會補發。3. 試用裝及購物優惠券之名額有限,送完即止。4. 每人(每個電話/地址)只能登記乙次,如重複登記只會以一次登記處理。5.會籍及禮遇不可轉讓予他人享用。6.Grahams Natural香港保留更改優惠或條款而不作另行通知之權利。如有任何爭議,Grahams Natural香港保留最終決定權。詳情請向Grahams Natural香港查詢。

Membership & Member Offer Terms and Conditions:
1. The membership and member offers are only applicable to Grahams Natural Hong Kong.
2. Samples and promotion coupons will be sent by surface mail. Please provide a correct address to arrange the delivery. In case of accidental loss or failure to send out due to wrong address provided, it will not be reissued.
3. The number of samples and promotion coupons are limited, while stocks last.
4. Each person can only register once for according to their phone number/address, repeated registration will only be processed once.
5. Membership and benefits are not transferable to others.
6. Grahams Natural Hong Kong reserves the right to change offers or terms without prior notice. In case of any disputes, Grahams Natural Hong Kong reserves the right of final decision. For details, please contact Grahams Natural Hong Kong.

私隱政策 Private Policy:

為符合<<個人資料(私隱)條例>>,我們謹此詳細列明有關收集和使用您個人資料的政策及你可作出的選擇,致力保障你的個人資料。 本公司有意使用您的個人資料作直銷活動,包括但不限於本公司及本公司與其他公司聯合舉辦的優惠活動及產品資訊、體驗優惠、獎項及其他服務推廣等。 若閣下希望取消訂閱本公司的宣傳訊息,請電郵到[email protected]通知我們。

Privacy Policy:
In order to comply with the "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance", we hereby inform you that we intend to use your personal data for our direct marketing activities, included but not limited to promotions, product information, testimonials, sample redemption, awards and other services which are sent by us or joint promotional partners. We will continue to use your data unless we receive your objection. To cancel the subscription of promotional materials, please inform us by email: [email protected]


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